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Introducing the message from NextFund's representative Cathy So.
NextFund helps businesses thrive by securing government funding and providing ongoing support.
Cathy is a valuable member of our team who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our company. Prior to joining us, she worked for several years at an international bank, where she gained a deep understanding of the needs and challenges faced by SME clients.

Cathy is acutely aware of the many false funding information and practices that plague the market, and how they can negatively impact businesses. This is one of the key reasons why she chose to join our company, NextFund. With many years of experience in the funding industry, we have built a solid reputation for providing reliable and trustworthy funding solutions to SME clients.

Cathy's passion for helping others and her deep knowledge of the SME financing landscape make her an invaluable asset to our team. We are proud to have her on board as we continue to grow our business and support SME clients across the region.


⭐ 開立公司
⭐ 會計服務
⭐ 商標註冊
⭐ 政府資助申請服務
⭐ 百分百擔保特惠貸款
⭐ 八、九成信貸擔保產品
⭐ 移民服務
Next Fund 擁有一條龍的資訊科技系統資訊服務,專業有經驗的開發團隊,豐富的項目專案經驗及完善的售後服務跟進服務,讓每一個個案,在最短時間內批核,成功取得政府資助。